技術顧問 山下 律正
51キリンソウ新品種 四季彩7 誕生までの開発軌跡
キリンソウ新品種の世界 Phedimus takesimensis( Nakai) New variety
四季彩キリンソウ SIKISAI Kirinsou
四季彩7 種苗登録申請No36298
Sikisai 7 Seed registration application No36298
四季彩7は 湾曲枝のほふく性小型種、セダムと同じ草高さで、緑化容器に収まり既存輸送ラックがそのまま使える。
Shikisai 7 is a small creeping species with curved branches, and has the same height as sedum. It fits in a greening container and can be used as is with existing transportation racks.
Shikisai 7 is a weather-resistant and evergreen Phedimus that can avoid the dryness that occurs in sedums such as Tsurumanengusa( Sedum sarmentosum).
2000年より普及を始めた屋上緑化は20社以上の企業が競う有望市場で有ったが、セダム緑化を無管理で1年経過成功率は50% 3年無管理ではほぼゼロ、天候任せの不安定な緑化システムであった。
セダム緑化トレーでの流通システムは大量の植栽済みトレーを運ぶために、ラックに10~20個 植物が潰れないように空間を開けて積載する仕組みになっている。このトレー間の空間は10cm~15cmでありキリンソウの草丈がこの範囲内に入らないと使用できない。では、背の低いキリンソウのプラグ苗やポット苗を植えればよいと思うが、植栽して自立成長が可能となるまで圃場で育成すると草丈は30cm程度まで伸び、ラックに収まらない。
タケシマキリンソウをEMS突然変異処理により新特性枝を作出 ③湾曲枝変異枝を分離培養した状態
1 Birth of seedling registration application No. 36298
Shikisai 7 is a cultivar with unique characteristics among Takeshima Phedimus mutants. At the beginning of development, we repeated trial and error to establish the EMS mutation technology, and it was difficult to find the optimal conditions for the variety, but we established the mutation conditions for Phedimus. Rooftop greening, which began to spread in 2000, was a promising market with more than 20 companies competing, but the success rate of sedum greening after 1 year without management is 50%.With no management for 3 years, it is almost zero. It was an unstable greening system. This is due to the fact that the weather resistance of the planted sedum plant cannot be grown under strong winds on rooftops with a soil thickness of 3 cm and without watering, and even if the sedum variety is changed, it cannot be overcome within the cultivar. there were. Around 2007, rooftop greening using Takeshima Phedimus appeared, but it did not lead to switching. The cause is the price, but there was a serious drawback that it was not included in the existing distribution system of sedum greening trays.
In order to transport a large number of planted trays, the distribution system for sedum greening trays is designed so that 10 to 20 plants are loaded on a rack with a space between them to prevent them from collapsing. The space between the trays is 10 cm to 15 cm, and it cannot be used unless the height of the Phedimus plant falls within this range. Then, I think it would be good to plant short Phedimus plug seedlings or pot seedlings, but if they are planted and cultivated in the field until self-reliant growth is possible, the plants grow to a height of about 30 cm and do not fit in a rack. In addition, if the seedlings are transported immediately after being planted, the vibrations cause the seedlings to float and roll to the ground because they do not have roots. If installed on the roof, it will be blown away by strong winds. For this reason, for more than 20 years until 2023, sedum greening weather resistance was known to be weak, but it has continued using greening guarantees and maintenance. To solve this problem, Shikisai 7 is a product that was developed with the aim of producing a Phedimus that has higher weather resistance than sedum and can be distributed on transport racks.
Shikisai 7 was created by mutation by narrowing down the desired characteristics from Takeshima Kirinsou.(Phedimus takesimensis( Nakai)) Shikisai kirinsou 7 was developed by repeating the mutation process of “(1) low plant height and crouching ➞ (2) miniaturization ➞ (3) curved stems ➞ (4) generating many lateral branches from the branches” and accumulated mutations. It is a Phedimus that has achieved characteristics that are very different from Phedimus.
Shikisai 7 development test model Create new characteristic branches by EMS mutagenesis of Takeshima Phedimus ③ Separate culture of curved branch mutant branches Commentary High-humidity culture is used to prevent bacterial infection (photo) When rooting is completed and the plant reaches a transplantable level, it is transferred to an open-air cultivation incubator. Using the propagated branches, ④ generate a large number of lateral branches from the branches.
四季彩7 スペック情報を紹介します。
next time Shikisai 7 spec information
技術顧問 山下律正
Technical Advisor: Ritsumeikan Yamashita
3月掲載予定 詳細写真 世界初珍種 ラセン成長するセダム イイジマ2
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掲載予告 2月より掲載開始 設計者の壁面緑化設計ノート
4月掲載予告 世界初 白花タケシマキリンソウ開発
3月掲載予定 世界初 立ち上がるセダム イイジマ2
3月掲載予定 世界初珍種 ラセン成長するセダム イイジマ2
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第10回 世界のセダムを求めて 国内・中国・台湾・べトナム・カンボジア・韓国
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中国緑化企業の支援 第8回 中国・ベトナム・カンボジアの壁面緑化