技術顧問 山下 律正
36 キリンソウ新品種 四季彩4濃緑色 ②在来種との葉色の違い
キリンソウ新品種の世界 Phedimus takesimensis( Nakai) New variety
四季彩キリンソウ SIKISAI Kirinsou
Sikisai 4 Seedling registration application No34723
四季彩4は濃緑色 常緑性の強健なキリンソウです。耐候性の高い太い茎を持ち直立で最大50cmの高さで日陰を作り地面や屋上を冷やすセダムに代わる持続可能な耐候性緑化品種です
Shikisai 4 is a dark green evergreen Phedimus . It is a sustainable, weather-tolerant greening alternative to sedum with thick, weather-resistant, upright stems that provide shade up to 50 cm high and cool grounds and rooftops.
第2回 2nd time
Difference in leaf color from native species
左:従来の常緑性キリンソウ 右:四季彩4 濃緑色
Left: Conventional Evergreen Phedimus Right: Shikisai 4 Dark Green
Rooftop greening is a material for comparing the value with surrounding buildings
When viewed from a distance, the leaf color of the plant is
Darker than natural color
If you add colors that can emphasize colors, your sense of value will increase
セダム・キリンソウ混合緑化に 四季彩4の色彩を重ね合わせた景観比較写真
image photo
A comparison photo of the scenery in which the colors of Shikisai 4 are superimposed on a photo of mixed greening of sedum and Phedimus
The photo inserted in the center is a photo showing the leaf color of Shikisai 4 in November.
The stronger the color contrast of greening plants, the fresher the image.
When viewed from a distance, the value of the building increases when the colors are emphasized.
タイプ :常緑性
草姿 :直立型
色 :濃緑色
草丈 :30cm ~ 50cm
開花時期 :8月~10月
落葉時期 :12月
植栽数 :50cm角トレー:4pot/トレー 路地植え:20pot/㎡
Type : Evergreen
Plant shape : Upright type
Color : dark green color
Plant height : 30cm to 50cm
Flowering period : August to October
Autumn leaves : December
Growth period of sprouts: Around October
Number of plants : 50 cm square tray 4 pots/tray Alley planting: 20 pots/m2
次は 四季彩4の
草姿:植える場所よる違い form of grass: Differences depending on the place of planting
技術顧問 山下律正
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