技術顧問 山下 律正
241 四季彩14 1月から9月の成長性 growth potential
成長性 growth potential
開花はタケシマキリンソウ中では遅い部類で6月中旬から7月に開始する。花芽が付始める頃になると花序(花房)が成長を始め 茎は開張型に変化し成長する。
The winter solstice buds grow to 4 cm in length around November, and in that state they enter the winter, and even though they are buried under snow, the leaves only turn slightly red and the leaves do not die due to low temperatures, leading to spring. Flowering is one of the later species among the Phedimus takesimensis , starting from mid-June to July. When flower buds begin to form, the inflorescence (inflorescence) begins to grow, and the stem changes to an open shape and grows. Before the flowering period, the leaves on the inflorescence branches shed about 1/2 of the leaves at the base of the plant, while the leaf buds begin to grow upright with less shedding.
1月下旬 Late January
キリンソウの中では標準的な冬至芽に属する Belongs to the standard winter solstice buds among Kirinso.
7月下旬 開花が始まる 太茎の花枝に咲く場合、花芽の形成から開花終了までは他のキリンソウに比べ期間が長くなる傾向にある
Flowering begins in late July. When blooming on flower branches with thick stems, the period from the formation of flower buds to the end of flowering tends to be longer than that of other . Phedimus
9月 開花終了、開花の花序枝は成長が良く倒伏しほふく型になる。
September: Flowering ends, and the flowering inflorescence branches grow well and lodge, becoming stolon-shaped. If direct sunlight shines into the center of the plant, the new buds may wither, but it looks more aesthetically pleasing if the deciduous flowering branches are exposed and the brown parts stand out.
技術顧問 山下律正
Technical Advisor: Ritsumeikan Yamashita
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