技術顧問 山下 律正
95四季彩12 耐候性 茎の構造
耐候性 セダム以上の性能があるのか?
Weather resistance: Does it have better performance than sedum?
4:茎の構造 4: Stem structure
The reason why kirinsou( Phedimus) is introduced is to avoid drought, high temperature, and dampness that occur in sedum planting using the mainstream varieties of rooftop greening, such as Tsuru Manengusa(Sedum sarmentosum), Taitogome(Sedum oryzifolium), and Mexican Mannengusa(Sedum mexicanum). So how well does Phedimus grow compared to sedum in the weather resistance that occurs during these high temperatures? First, let’s talk about drought tolerance. Both sedum and kirinsou(Phedimus) have their own metabolic mechanism for drought tolerance, CAM metabolism, which closes stomata during the day and prevents evaporation of water.
The structure of the stem is also important Sedum has a stem diameter of 1 to 2 mm, which is the same as that of grasses. It has a thin epidermis and no clear vascular bundle thickness. Kirinsou(Phedimus) has a stem that reaches 2 to 6 mm even among grasses, and the basic tissue and the vascular cambium are clearly distinguished, and the vascular bundle is thickened, and it is strong in maintaining the underground and above-ground parts, especially the lignification of the stem at the ground level. occurs in all species, and the structure that can respond to environmental changes in this part affects the difference in weather resistance.
Sedum: Mexican Mannengusa(Sedum mexicanum) vascular bundle photo
August 11, 2023
Vascular cambium is confirmed in the basic tissue, and vascular bundles are scattered in a ring shape.
Phedimus takesimensis vascular bundle photo
August 11, 2023
The basic tissue and the vascular cambium are clearly distinguished, and the vascular bundle is also thick.
技術顧問 山下律正
Technical Advisor: Ritsumeikan Yamashita
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