
技術顧問 山下 律正

94四季彩12 耐候性 四季彩キリンソウの蒸れ・葉やけ耐性

耐候性 セダム以上の性能があるのか?

Weather resistance: Does it have better performance than sedum?


3:四季彩キリンソウの蒸れ・葉やけ耐性 3: Resistant to stuffiness and leaf burn




1 地表に近くなり環境変化を受けた場合

2 7月~8月は下葉の落葉時期と重なり、落葉と見間違える場合


Cause of withering

1.      In the case of environmental changes near the ground surface 2. July to August overlaps with the falling leaves of the lower leaves, and may be mistaken for falling leaves.

写真1: 地表に近くなり環境変化を受けた場合

In the case of environmental changes near the ground surface


写真2 2 7月~8月は下葉の落葉時期と重なり、落葉と見間違える場合

2.      July to August overlaps with the falling leaves of the lower leaves, and may be mistaken for falling leaves.

<参考資料:8> <Reference materials: 8>



Okayama Prefecture: Temperature, sunshine, and precipitation during the extremely hot period from July to August 2023






Kirinsou(Phedimus) is a plant with high weather resistance, so it was said that drought alone would cause only the lower leaves to fall and not cause damage such as withering. In these days of high temperatures and sunshine, When rainfall, high temperatures, and sunshine come together, the water content in the soil suddenly rises to high temperatures, causing damage to nearby plant parts that have reduced resistance. =It is called withering phenomenon by high temperature steam, The wilting phenomenon caused by high-temperature steam is a disorder during the extremely hot season that tends to occur in crouching and spreading-type kirinsou(Phedimus) .


In most cases, it was only partially withered, the stock did not disappear, and it revived, so it was not regarded as a major drawback for Kirinsou(Phedimus), but a phenomenon was observed in the summer of 2023.


技術顧問 山下律正

Technical Advisor: Ritsumeikan Yamashita






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