技術顧問 山下 律正
246 四季彩14 40日間の旱(ひでり)耐性試験 及び 枯損までの62日間継続試験
Weather resistance of Shikisai 14 pot seedlings
40-day drought resistance of Shikisai 14 pot seedlings
枯損までの継続試験 62日間経過試験
Continuous test until withering, 62 days elapsed
ポット苗の40日間の旱(ひでり)試験 (耐乾燥性試験)
試 験 品 種 :四季彩14
試 験 体 :9か月育成苗
条 件 :透明波板軒下直下2m壁面側、9か月育成ポットをざる容器に置き試験を行う
開 始 日 時 :2023年5月31日~7月10日 40日間
試験終了日 :2023年5月31日
試験開始:2023年5月31日 Exam start: May 31, 2023
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下葉が多少落葉する以外に変化なし There is no change other than some lower leaves falling off.
斑入り色ははっきり鮮明に出ている The variegated colors are clearly visible
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試験結果 Test results
四季彩14 3試験体を用意し 試験開始、4日経過、40日経過の経過を観察し、旱状態が成体に及ぼす影響を観察した。
This test is a verification test for damage caused by withering due to lack of rainwater after planting at planting sites during the dry season in Southeast Asia and abnormal climate in Japan. Although the experiment was conducted under a transparent corrugated eave, the test was conducted to determine how long the plant could be maintained in a normal state without water supply, and when the plant would begin to wither. Since the conditions are not the same at the actual construction site, please use this as a reference.
40-day drought resistance of Shikisai 14 pot seedlings
Test variety: Shikisai 14
Trial body: 9 month grown seedlings
Condition: Place the 9-month growth pot in a sieve container and conduct the test 2m directly below the eaves of the transparent corrugated plate on the wall side. No irrigation, no fertilizers, no pesticides
Location direction: south-southwest
Three test specimens of Shikisai 14 were prepared, and the progress of the test was observed after the start of the test,4 days had passed, and 40 days had passed, and the effects of drought conditions were observed.
July 10, 2023: 40 days have passed 1 case grew normally, 1 case stopped growing, 1 case declined. For potted seedlings that have been planted for 9 months, the drying period seems to be within 40 days, and optimally about 30 days. Based on this result, it is necessary to water the seedlings after transplanting them into pots to enrich the roots and stock. Although it exhibits drought tolerance, Shikisai 14 is a variegated/all-variegated variety and must be managed with consideration given to its lower drought tolerance and drought tolerance than regular Shikisai Kirinso.
枯損までの継続試験 62日間経過試験
Continuous test until withering, 62 days elapsed
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Continuous test until withering62 days
have passed1 case stopped growing, 1 case stopped to decline, 1 case declined When placed in a dry environment for 62 days, potted seedlings tend to wither unless they are fully grown. For potted seedlings, it is estimated that the maximum period of time after planting without drying out and withering is within 40 days, and optimally about 30 days. Based on this result, it is necessary to water the seedlings after transplanting them into pots to enrich the roots and stock. Since Shikisai 14 is a variegated/all-variegated variety, it must be managed with consideration given to its lower drought tolerance and drought tolerance than regular Shikisai Kirinso.
技術顧問 山下律正
Technical Advisor: Ritsumeikan Yamashita
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