技術顧問 山下 律正
239 四季彩14 下葉の自然落下 生存適応で得た生理現象か?
下葉の自然落下 生存適応で得た生理現象か?
Natural fall of lower leaves Is it a physiological phenomenon acquired through survival adaptation?
1 ひでり等の過酷な環境では伸長した太い茎は主株の生活圏外への伸長に伴い下葉を落葉させる。
2 四季彩14も落葉が見られるが、開花枝等の成長が盛んな太い茎では株元から半分程度洛東が起きる。
3 大型に直立成長した枝は開花後、倒伏し地這伸長する。この段階で株元に近い半分程度の葉を落とす。
4 株内の低位枝では強力な日射と高気温に晒され枯損する枝も発生する。
5 花枝は開花後 ほふく型になり株元より半分程落葉する。
Falling leaves style of Shikisai 14
1. In harsh environments, such as in Hideri, the elongated thick stems shed lower leaves as they extend outside the main plant’s living range.
2. Shikisai 14 also has fallen leaves, but Rakuto occurs about half from the base of thick stems that are actively growing, such as flowering branches.
3. After flowering, the large, upright branches elongate on the ground and drop about half of the leaves near the base of the plant at this stage.
4. Lower branches within the plant are exposed to strong sunlight and high temperatures, causing some branches to wither.
5. After flowering, the flower branches become baby-shaped and shed about half of their leaves from the base of the plant.
技術顧問 山下律正
Technical Advisor: Ritsumeikan Yamashita
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