技術顧問 山下 律正
217 四季彩6 根の構造 root structure
耐候性 セダム以上の性能があるのか?
Weather resistance: Does it have better performance than sedum?
root structure
One is in the root structure of the underground part. Sedum is composed of a soft root system composed of fine roots, while Phedimus is composed of fine roots centered on a large diameter root with a hard woody outer skin, and the stem at the ground is woody stem and roots. It can be said that it becomes a continuum and has high resistance. Phedimus species also tend to have higher weather resistance as the stem diameter at the ground level increases.
鉢植タケシマキリンソウの根部 Roots of Potted Phedimus takesimensis
野生タケシマキリンソウ 根部 Wild Phedimus takesimensis root
技術顧問 山下律正
Technical Advisor: Ritsumeikan Yamashita
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