技術顧問 山下 律正
206 四季彩6 タケシマキリンソウの木質部の違い
The difference between the woody parts of Shikisai 6 and Phedimus Takeshima
四季彩6の木質化部 Wooden part of Shikisai 6
The woody part can be seen in the woody branches near the base of the plant. The branches are thick and all new
appear to be woody, but only half of them are woody. The incidence of appear to be woody, but only half of them
are woody. The incidence of shoots on woody branches is slightly lower than that of Phedimus Takeshima shoots.
Since the sprouts are larger than those of other varieties, the green coverage does not change much.
草丈3~4cmに対し四季彩6は冬至芽(新芽)は平均的に幅3cm 草丈5~9cmの1.5倍程度に達する。
New shoots are larger than other varieties. Winter solstice buds (new shoots) of Phedimus Takeshima shoots in
February are on average 2cm wide and 3-4cm tall. The winter buds (new shoots) of Shikisai 6 reach an average
width of 3 cm and 1.5 times the plant height of 5 to 9 cm. For this reason, during the spring growing season, the
grass appears like a forest.
2月 四季彩6 草枝幅:3cm
February Shikisai 6 Grass branch width: 3cm
タケシマキリンソウ 草枝幅:2cm
Takeshima Kirinso Grass branch width: 2cm
2月 February
四季彩6 草丈:9cm
Shikisai 6 Plant height: 9cm
タケシマキリンソウ 草丈:3cm
Takeshima Kirinso Plant height: 3cm
3月下旬 Late March
四季彩6 株幅:25cm程度
Shikisai 6 Plant width: Approximately 25cm
四季彩6 14cmに達する
Shikisai 6 Plant height: Up to 14cm
<Reference materials: 4> The stems of Phedimus takesimensis shoots also become woody.
shoots Phedimus takesimensis
are a large to medium-sized species, and the stems become woody. The stems that have grown this year also become woody at the base, and because the woody part is long, new shoots will appear from parts farther away from the base of the plant. In older plants, the stems initially stand upright, but as they grow, the branches lose support and grow into an open shape. The plant often has a donut-shaped grass appearance with an open center. This phenomenon is not observed in Phedimus takesimensis shoots that grow epiphytically on rocky areas. It is speculated that in the natural environment of rocky areas, nutrients are scarce, and in order to withstand natural phenomena such as strong winds, the stems are short and have a lot of fiber, making them difficult to fall over.
技術顧問 山下律正
Technical Advisor: Ritsumeikan Yamashita
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