
技術顧問 山下 律正

202 四季彩6 環境変化 Environmental changes



Environmental changes in Shikisai 6

1 四季彩6は環境変化により草姿を変化させやすい草種です。

2 特に冬至芽の草姿に最も影響を与える事が判っている。葉形が開葉型~立性葉型の間の変化が生じる。

3 冬至芽の大きさはタケシマキリンソウに比べ大型となるが、同程度となる場合もある。どのような環境に会うとそのようになるかは今後の研究課題としている。

4 冬至芽の発生数と発生個所は、株基部周辺集中する傾向が多いが密度に一定性はない。成長過程で直立型に成長するが継続性については葉枝は直立型、花枝は開張型になる。

5 落葉は、花枝に起き 葉枝には生じにくい


1 Shikisai 6 is a grass species that easily changes its appearance due to environmental changes. 2. It is known that it has the greatest influence on the appearance of the plants, especially the winter solstice buds. The leaf shape changes between open leaf type and upright leaf type. 3. The size of the winter solstice buds is larger than that of Phedimus takesimensis, but in some cases they are about the same size. The question of what kind of environment would lead to this behavior will be a topic for future research. 4. The number and location of winter buds tend to be concentrated around the base of the plant, but the density is not constant. During the growth process, it grows upright, but in terms of continuity, the leaf branches are upright and the flower branches are spread. 5 Defoliation occurs on flower branches and is less likely to occur on leaf branches. In this way, even in seedlings created by cloning, Shikisai 6 has the characteristic of exhibiting the optimal ratio of leaf to flower branches and grass appearance that corresponds to the living environment.


環境による変化例  Examples of changes due to environment

葉の大きさの変異 Leaf size variation








花序(花房)の変異 Variations in inflorescence (inflorescence)





11月17日 6月9日砕石土地植え

November 17th June 9th Crushed stone land planting






The leaf shape and color are greatly influenced by the growing environment, and the Phedimus  species has the characteristic of being able to change to all the leaf shapes and colors that can be reproduced. Maintaining the organism optimally by adapting to the environment


技術顧問 山下律正

Technical Advisor: Ritsumeikan Yamashita





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