技術顧問 山下 律正
177 四季彩11 下葉の自然落下 Natural fall of lower leaves
下葉の自然落下 生存適応で得た生理現象か?
Natural fall of lower leaves Is it a physiological phenomenon acquired through survival adaptation?
The defoliation of the lower leaves of Phedimus takesimensis is a common phenomenon. Shikisai 11 also has fallen leaves, but this phenomenon is thought to help ventilation inside. The thickness of the leaves of Shikisai 11 is 0.7 mm, which is the same as the standard thickness of 0.7 mm for Takeshima giraffe, and it is assumed that this increases the ventilation and renews old and new leaves.
四季彩11 8月下旬 Shikisai 11 Late August
比較写真:落葉性キリンソウ 8月26日
Comparison photo: Deciduous Phedimus August 26th
The stem length reaches a maximum of 50 cm, and the weight of the tip causes the stem to fall over and become an open type. Leaves are from the plant, same as evergreen species. The new and the old replace each other.
技術顧問 山下律正
Technical Advisor: Ritsumeikan Yamashita
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