技術顧問 山下 律正
315 耐暑性キリンソウ 四季彩9の開発 Heat-tolerant Kirinsou Development of Shikisai 9
Seed registration application No36439 birth explanation
Shikisai 9 is a variety that was created by chemically mutating Takeshimakirinsou and selecting the resulting yellow-green mutant branches. While many mutant buds are weak and die during the early stages of growth, Shikisai 9 has the same appearance as Takeshimakirinsou, but with green-yellow leaves, thick stems and many branches. Shikisai 9 retains its initial characteristics even as it matures and becomes a full-grown plant, and its characteristics are highly stable.
As a result of improvements made over time, many branches develop and the plant takes on a tree-like appearance. This phenomenon is similar to the appearance of other species of Takeshima kyōrinsō when the plant hormone cytokinin is secreted in greater quantities than other species in the early stages of growth. This also affects the height of the plant, and once the branches begin to branch out, the growth of the plant height tends to be suppressed. In addition, antagonism between the growth hormone gibberellin causes an excess of cytokinin, and at the same time, tissues also swell, so although the plant is smaller than Takeshima kyōrinsō, each part swells and the plant takes on a firmer appearance overall.
316 四季彩9キリンソウ 62日間ひでり耐性試験
315 耐暑性キリンソウ 四季彩9の開発 Heat-tolerant Kirinsou Development of Shikisai 9
314 耐暑性四季彩9キリンソウ 特徴
313 耐暑性タケシマキリンソウ 四季彩9キリンソウ
312 タケシマキリンソウの増やし方 植付ポイントは発根の仕方で判る
311 屋上緑化に迫る気象の変化 農林水産庁も始めた 高温対策栽培体系への転換
310 スーパーキリンソウ 四季彩4
309 2024年猛暑対応 キリンソウのメンテナンス
308 酷暑・環境変異に耐える植物開発 -タケシマキリンソウ倍数体で体力向上への開発-
307 猛暑・酷暑から屋上緑化を維持する方法はないのか?