技術顧問 山下 律正
209 四季彩6 成長性 growth potential
開花はタケシマキリンソウ中では遅い部類で6月中旬から7月に開始する。花芽が付始める頃になると花序(花房)が成長を始め 茎は開張型に変化し成長する。
The winter solstice buds have grown to over 10 cm in length around November, and the winter season continues in this state, and even after being covered in snow, the leaves only turn slightly red, and spring arrives with very little loss of leaves. Flowering is one of the later species among the Phedimus takesimensis shoots, starting from mid-June to July. When flower buds begin to form, the inflorescence (inflorescence) begins to grow, and the stem changes to an open shape and grows. Before the flowering period, the lower leaves of the inflorescence branches fall off and the number of leaves decreases to about 1/3 of the tip of the stem, while the leaf buds begin to grow upright without falling.
1月下旬 Late January キリンソウの中では冬至芽は大きい種類に属する
7月下旬 開花が始まる 太茎の花枝に咲く場合、花芽の形成から開花終了までは他のキリンソウに比べ期間が長くなる傾向にある
9月 中型茎の花枝の場合、開花の花序は分散型が多くその枝では写真の様に開花後に花序が成長を続けて大型の手毬状の葉の集合体を形成する。
緑化トレー植栽四季彩6の生育状況 April planting:Growth status of greening tray planting Shikisai 6
1 四季彩6株は特徴である葉が大きく成長し緑化する。
2 四季彩6の特徴である小枝数での緑化でも美観に影響が無い。
3 枝間の隙間が大きい分だけ高温・光日射に起因する蒸れの発生は少ない。
4 手毬状の葉の集合体は2023年の猛暑環境では成長が鈍化している。
After 3 months The same cloned seedlings are used. After flowering, the inflorescence continues to grow and becomes a collection of large, ball-shaped leaves.
Results of cultivation without irrigation in the extremely hot environment of 2023 1. Shikisai 6 stocks are characterized by large leaves that grow and turn green. 2. Greening with the number of twigs, which is a feature of Shikisai 6, does not affect the aesthetic appearance. 3. The larger the gaps between branches, the less stuffiness caused by high temperatures and sunlight. 4. The growth of ball-shaped leaf aggregates will slow down in the extremely hot environment of 2023.
技術顧問 山下律正
Technical Advisor: Ritsumeikan Yamashita
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