
技術顧問 山下 律正

117 四季彩8 下葉の自然落下 生存適応で得た生理現象か?


下葉の自然落下 生存適応で得た生理現象か?

Natural fall of lower leaves  Is it a physiological phenomenon acquired through survival adaptation?







Defoliation of the lower leaves of Giraffe is a common phenomenon.

Shikisai 8 is conspicuously defoliated, and this phenomenon is believed to aid in aeration within the plant.

The leaf thickness of Shikisai 8 is 0.9 mm, reaching nearly 2 mm including the veins, which is thicker than the standard 0.7 mm for Phedimus takesimensis, which reduces the transmitted light and reduces the amount of sunlight reaching the base of the plant.In response to this phenomenon, thick-leaved giraffes can be seen to make the leaves thinner and smaller, but Shikisai 8 It can be inferred that sunlight is delivered by defoliating the lower half of the branches.

In addition, by improving ventilation, it is possible to prevent stuffiness during the hot season. There are no branches that have withered due to dampness in Shikisai 8, In most cases, it is only a degree of leaf burn on inside-out leaves and damp damage on leaves close to the ground surface.


技術顧問 山下律正

Technical Advisor: Ritsumeikan Yamashita






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